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Dracontii Carmina Minora: Plurima Inedita by Dracontius, Blossius Aemili... ISBN: 9781116504750 List Price: $24.99
The German soul in its attitude towards ethics and Christianity by Hügel, Friedrich Freiherr Von ISBN: 9781117276366 List Price: $24.75
England in 1835, Being a Series of letters written to Friends in Germany During a Residence ... by Raumer, Friedrich von ISBN: 9781115273152 List Price: $32.99
Die Vertrauten Briefe des Erzbifchofs Spiegel von Kln by Nippold, Friedrich ISBN: 9781115434898 List Price: $19.75
Die Vertrauten Briefe des Erzbifchofs Spiegel von Kln by Nippold, Friedrich ISBN: 9781115434911 List Price: $24.99
Briefe von Stgemann, Metternich, Heine und Bettina von Arnim by Von Stägemann, Friedrich Au... ISBN: 9781116113105 List Price: $41.99
Briefe von Stgemann, Metternich, Heine und Bettina von Arnim by Von Stägemann, Friedrich Au... ISBN: 9781116113129 List Price: $34.75
Letters of Alexander von Humboldt written between the years 1827 and 1858 to Varnhagen von E... by Kapp, Friedrich, Varnhagen ... ISBN: 9781116822038 List Price: $38.99
Trattato Delle Principali E Delle Piu Frequenti Malattie Esterne Ed Interne (1789) (Italian ... by Herrenschwand, Johann Fried... ISBN: 9781166385453 List Price: $43.16
Samuelis Pufendorfii De Officio Hominis Et Civis Secundum Legem Naturalem Book 2 (1753) (Ger... by Pufendorf, Samuel von, Mass... ISBN: 9781166386115 List Price: $44.76
Der Urzustaud Der Erde Und Die Hypothese Von Einer Stattgehabten Anderung Der Pole (1843) (G... by Klee, Frederick, Jenssen-Tu... ISBN: 9781160072007 List Price: $28.95
Birth of Novalis Friedrich Von Hardenberg's Journal of 1797, With Selected Letters and Docum... by Novalis, Novalis, Donehower... ISBN: 9780791469699 List Price: $26.00
Die Braut Von Messina by Schiller, Friedrich ISBN: 9781406808711 List Price: $12.90
Germany and the Next War by von Bernhardi, Friedrich ISBN: 9781426448911 List Price: $24.99
Progres Des Allemands V1: Dans Les Sciences, Les Belles-Lettres Et Les Arts, Particulieremen... by Bielfeld, Jacob Friedrich Von ISBN: 9781166365301 List Price: $35.16
German Ballads, Songs, Etc.: Comprising Translations From Schiller, Uhland, Burger, Goethe, ... by Schiller, Friedrich, Goethe... ISBN: 9781166033897 List Price: $19.96
Die Mission Justus von Gruners in der Schweiz, 1816-1819. Nach seinen Berichten im Kgl. Preu... by Friedrich Pieth, Carl Gruner ISBN: 9781241461966 List Price: $24.75
Topische Geographie von Bayern (German Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Walther ISBN: 9781241408619 List Price: $40.75
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